About us

Welcome to Reconnecting with Nature! We are a group of passionate individuals dedicated to promoting sustainability and restoring nature's balance through our educational programs and community-building initiatives. Our mission is to educate individuals about environmental issues, inspire them to take action and foster a culture of sustainability.


We are proud of the work we have accomplished so far, raising awareness about the importance of waste reduction, upcycling, recycling, and natural resource management. We believe that everyone has a role to play in safeguarding the environment, including individuals, businesses, and governments. Thus, we encourage a collaborative approach to environmental conservation, bringing diverse groups together to achieve practical solutions to environmental problems.


As an organization, we are committed to forging partnerships with different stakeholders, including private companies and government agencies, to extend our reach and create more impactful solutions to environmental challenges. We are optimistic about creating a sustainable future that benefits everyone, and we aim to fulfill our mission with the collective effort of everyone involved.

Together, we are accountable for preserving our planet's natural resources and ensuring that we leave a habitable world for future generations.


Our vision for a brighter future begins with our collective responsibility and commitment to making responsible decisions today. We are excited about this journey and look forward to working with all of you to achieve our ultimate goal.

"I wear many hats, though one of my strongest skills is connecting with communities, designing alongside circularity trends, valuing the synergy of the participants, and as an artist, provoking unique momentum and experiences resulting in meaningful and inspirational marks."


"I believe in outdoor education, in loving first and learning later. I believe in the power of one."


Madeleine Asunción. Founder

Circular Education

Investing in circular education is the key to environmental and social sustainability. We look forward to working with individuals, organizations, and corporations to create a more sustainable world.